Red vine : benefits, culture and use

Chloé M | 30 April 2023
Reading time : about 4 minutes
Red vine :  benefits, culture and use

    The red dye vine, also known by its Latin name Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria, is a perennial climbing shrub with evergreen leaves. It is able to withstand temperatures as low as -15 degrees Celsius (258 Kelvin) and easily attaches to a support to reach a great height. The greenish-yellow flowers are small and clustered, while the fruits are berries containing seeds. The harvested parts of the red vine are the leaves and the fruits.

    How to grow it ?

    The red vine absolutely needs sun and heat. It can be installed on a support or against a wall. We space the feet between them so that the foliage can breathe, because the vine is sensitive to diseases such as mildew. The vine can be pruned up to several meters (inches) and allows to increase the fruiting.

    Instructions for growing red vine :

    • Sowing : seeds should be cold stratified for 2 to 3 months before sowing at a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius (293 Kelvin) in a pot or tray, about 4 centimeters (2 inches) apart.
    • Transplanting : plant the seeds in 8-centimeter (4-inch) pots.
    • Planting : plant at a distance of about 30 centimetres (14 inches) from the plants in pots.
    • Sowing : seeds can be left in the ground at harvest time.
    • Emergence : Emergence of seeds can take 1 to 3 months, sometimes more.
    • Plant spacing : plants should be planted at least 1 meter (40 inches) apart.
    • Maintenance : it is important to provide support for the vines from the start and to prune the branches that have produced fruit.
    • Multiplication : propagation can be done by cuttings in August, with 20 centimeters (10 inches) cuttings.
    • Soil : it needs a dry drained soil.
    • Compost requirements : compost requirements are low and should be provided in the spring.
    • Mulching : use straw or chaff for mulching.
    • Water requirements : water requirements are moderate.
    • Special feature : it should be noted that seeded vines may take a few years to bear fruit.

    How to harvest it ?

    Hamamelis leaves are harvested in autumn, when they have started to take on a red tinge, but before they turn brown. The leaves are then dried for use in making infusions and for dyeing. In addition, Witch Hazel buds are also used in gemmotherapy.

    It is important to note that when harvesting the leaves and buds, care must be taken not to damage the plant. It is also advisable to harvest only what you need so as not to affect the growth of the Witch Hazel. It is also important to know that parts of the plant are potentially toxic if consumed in large quantities, so it is important to consult a health professional before using Witch Hazel for therapeutic purposes.

    Medicinal virtues

    Red vine leaves have many health benefits :

    • It acts as an antioxidant and as a venotonic and venoprotective agent. It can strengthen blood vessels and stimulate circulation, which makes it very useful for treating problems related to capillary fragility and venous insufficiency, such as bruises, heavy legs, hemorrhoids, rosacea, retinal disorders and any other venous problem.
    • It can also be beneficial for skin problems such as irritations and light burns. In addition, it can be used to relieve menstrual pain and headaches.
    • In gemmotherapy, Witch Hazel buds are used to strengthen the circulatory system and improve liver function. They can also help relieve stress and improve mood.
    • It is important to note that while Witch Hazel leaves and buds have many therapeutic benefits, it is always best to consult a health care professional before using them for medicinal purposes. In addition, it is important to follow the recommended doses to avoid unwanted side effects. Finally, it is important to consider the quality of the plant used to ensure its effectiveness and safety of use.

    Precautions before using it

    Red Vine is used in phytotherapy for its vascular properties, but it is important to take certain precautions before use to avoid any undesirable effects :

    1. Consult a physician before taking red vine supplements if you are already taking heart or blood pressure medications.

    2. Avoid taking red vine during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    3. Red grapevine can interfere with certain medications, such as blood thinners, so it is important to discuss with your doctor before taking supplements.

    4. If you have any health problems, such as a history of bleeding, liver problems or bleeding disorders, consult a doctor before taking red vine.

    Published on 30 April 2023 at 15:24
    Updated on 14 January 2024 at 01:02

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    Chloé M

    Chloé M

    Web Editor

    As a journalist, I wish to bring you a concrete solution to the health problems encountered in everyday life. My father is a passionate naturopath who has immersed me in his world since I was very young.