How to take care of your health when it's cold ?

Chloé M | 18 November 2022
Reading time : about 4 minutes
How to take care of your health when it's cold ?

    Tips for taking care of your health

    There are many things you can do to take care of your health in the winter and cold weather. Here are some tips :

    1. Stay warm and dress in layers to protect yourself from the cold.
    2. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
    3. Eat nutritious, balanced foods to help you stay healthy.
    4. Exercise regularly to boost your immune system.
    5. Avoid crowded places and take care of yourself if you are sick to avoid infecting others.
    6. Wash your hands often to avoid infecting yourself with germs.
    7. See a doctor if you have health problems or persistent symptoms.

    In general, it's important to take care of your health in the winter by paying attention to your diet, staying active and protecting yourself from cold and illness.

    How can you avoid getting sick from the cold or a bug ?

    There are several things you can do to avoid getting sick :

    1. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after coming into contact with sick people or contaminated surfaces.
    2. Avoid crowded places and sick people if possible.
    3. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and dispose of tissues immediately after use.
    4. Eat nutritious, well-balanced foods to boost your immune system.
    5. Exercise regularly to strengthen your immune system.
    6. Get enough sleep to help you recover from daily stresses and infections.
    7. Avoid smoking or being exposed to cigarette smoke, as this can weaken your immune system.

    In general, it is important to take care of your health by practicing good hygiene, eating healthy, staying active and avoiding health risk factors. If you have any health problems or persistent symptoms, see a doctor.

    How to effectively combat winter fatigue

    There are several things you can do to combat winter fatigue :

    1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and getting up at the same time each day, even on weekends.
    2. Exercise regularly to boost your immune system and improve your mood.
    3. Eat nutritious, balanced foods to help you stay healthy and avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
    4. Drink enough water to stay hydrated and avoid fatigue.
    5. Avoid excessive caffeine, alcohol and sugar, which can give you a short-term boost but can also cause you to crash even faster.
    6. Take time to relax and do things you enjoy, such as reading, writing, listening to music, etc.
    7. If you have persistent symptoms of fatigue, see a doctor to make sure there is no underlying health problem.

    In general, it is important to take care of your health by adopting a healthy lifestyle and avoiding factors that can contribute to fatigue, such as lack of sleep, physical inactivity and an unbalanced diet.

    What are the anti-fatigue plants to take at the end of the year ?

    There are several plants that can help combat winter fatigue. Here are some examples :

    1. Rhodiola is an adaptogenic plant that can help reduce stress and fatigue.
    2. Ginseng is a tonic plant that can help improve vitality and resistance to stress.
    3. Maca is a plant that can help to improve vitality and physical and mental performance (it helps to combat winter depression).
    4. Ashwagandha root is an adaptogenic plant that can help reduce stress and fatigue.
    5. Guarana is a caffeine-rich plant that can help improve alertness and mental performance.

    These plants can be consumed in the form of food supplements, teas or infusions. However, it's important to consult a doctor or health care professional before using them, especially if you have health problems or are taking medication.

    What are winter essential oils ?

    There are several essential oils that can be used to combat winter ailments, such as fatigue, colds and coughs. Here are some examples :

    1. Ravintsara essential oil is antiviral and expectorant, making it an ideal oil for respiratory infections.
    2. Peppermint essential oil is analgesic and expectorant, making it a useful oil for relieving headaches and congestion.
    3. Rosemary essential oil is invigorating and antioxidant, which makes it a useful oil to stimulate the body and fight against winter ailments (cough, bronchitis, fatigue).
    4. Tea tree essential oil is antiseptic and antiviral, which makes it an ideal oil to purify the air and fight against infections (flu).
    5. Lavender essential oil is calming and soothing, making it useful for relieving stress and promoting restful sleep (fighting insomnia).

    Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways, such as air diffusion, inhalation or massage. However, it is important to respect the recommended doses and never use them pure on the skin, unless they are diluted in a vegetable oil. If you have any doubts, consult a health professional before using essential oils.

    Published on 18 November 2022 at 13:39
    Updated on 14 February 2023 at 10:34

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    Chloé M

    Chloé M

    Web Editor

    As a journalist, I wish to bring you a concrete solution to the health problems encountered in everyday life. My father is a passionate naturopath who has immersed me in his world since I was very young.