Top 10 fruits for an effective and natural detox

Joaquim A | 14 August 2022
Reading time : about 5 minutes
Top 10 fruits for an effective and natural detox

    How to know if a fruit has a detox power ?

    The detox diet favors fruits and vegetables in general because they allow :

    • to regulate the acid-base balance ;
    • to limit the harmful effects of toxins present in our daily diet.

    Thus, the detox fruit is rich in substances that help to clean the body with :

    • water : to cleanse with its draining action essential to transport waste to the exit doors. Some fruits are an important source of water, such as tomatoes;
    • fibers : which are essential to the good transit and the evacuation of waste via the intestines like prunes;
    • Enzymes : to stimulate the digestion process. Raw fruits, especially in the form of juice, are an excellent source;
    • potassium : to promote the elimination of water and therefore the elimination of waste through a diuretic effect. Some fruits are rich in potassium, such as grapes;
    • Antioxidants including glutathione : to fight against free radicals produced during the normal detoxification process. Some fruits are rich in antioxidants like avocado.

    You don't know which detox fruits to choose ? Discover now our selection of the best fruits for an effective detox.

    Apricot : to beautify the skin

    Apricots are one of the best sources of beta-carotene, an essential vitamin for skin protection. It also provides various beneficial minerals such as potassium and magnesium.

    Detox tip : In the fall, think about dried apricots, which are even richer in beta-carotene than fresh apricots.

    Pineapple : to facilitate digestion

    This exotic fruit contains a substance with particularly interesting properties in the context of a detox cure : bromelain. This molecule promotes the digestion of proteins and helps preserve liver function.

    The detox advice : the consumption of pineapple can support the appearance of mouth ulcers or an allergic reaction in the intolerant persons. To be consumed sparingly.

    Cherry : to stimulate and protect the urinary tract

    The cherry is recommended in the event of urinary infections and to cleanse the entire urinary tract :

    • thanks to its richness in water which allows to hydrate and to avoid the installation of bacteria on the walls of the bladder;
    • thanks to its potassium content which allows a diuretic action.

    Detox tip : choose red and black cherries because they are the richest in anthocyanins, the pigments that help eliminate uric acid.

    Lemon : the essential detox fruit

    It is impossible to talk about detox without mentioning lemons :

    • it plays a central role in restoring the acid-base balance because, contrary to what one might think, this citrus fruit does not acidify the body;
    • it stimulates the production of bile and tones the liver;
    • it cleans the digestive tract, it promotes digestion and improves the elimination of waste;
    • it clears up the complexion and makes the skin clearer by its vitamin C composition.

    Detox tip : get into the habit of adding a dash of lemon juice to all your dishes such as salads, vegetables, fish and white meat.

    The fig : rich in fiber

    The fig is a very good source of fiber and potassium that helps transit and diuretic action.

    Detox tip : add a little fat to your figs with a drizzle of olive oil in your salad.

    Apple : the essential appetite suppressant

    Apples have a number of detox benefits :

    • it is rich in fiber that stimulates transit;
    • it has an appetite suppressant effect thanks to its fiber composition;
    • it has a diuretic action thanks to its potassium content.

    The detox advice : the simplest and most practical way to consume it is to crunch it. But you can also cook it to consume it in compote.

    The prune : to facilitate the transit

    The prune is the number 1 food for the detox of the intestines :

    • it has an action on the digestive transit, without being harmful or irritating. It owes this property to its richness in fiber but also in sorbitol;
    • it is revitalizing by its richness in vitamin E and magnesium;
    • its potassium content allows a diuretic action.

    Detox tip : fresh or cooked, prunes can be enjoyed in both sweet and savory dishes.

    Grapes : the detox monodiet

    Grapes are the fruit of choice for a successful single diet :

    • it is particularly diuretic by its potassium. Grapes clean the kidneys and stimulate the elimination of toxins via the urine;
    • It helps to restore the body's precious acid-base balance : its organic acids help dissolve toxins thanks to its high sugar content;
    • it stimulates the transit with its numerous fibers;
    • it detoxifies the body as a whole thanks to its numerous antioxidants.

    Detox tip : grapes are most often eaten as is. Don't forget that you can also add them to your salads, both sweet and savory.

    The tomato : the star fruit of detox

    The tomato is one of the star foods of detox cures :

    • it is diuretic with its potassium ;
    • it is delicious and easy to cook;
    • it is antioxidant with its vitamins C and E and its beta-carotene.

    Detox tip : alternate eating raw and cooked tomatoes, as each has its own specific benefits. Raw tomatoes stimulate digestive enzymes, while cooked tomatoes are excellent for preventing health problems.

    The avocado : the enemy of toxins

    This fruit is of major interest in the context of a detox cure :

    • it allows to capture and eliminate toxins which are soluble in fats;
    • it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, essential for a healthy skin;
    • it contains the precious glutathione which protects the liver.

    The detox advice : lemon is an ally of the avocado because it prevents it from turning black, it raises its flavour and allows to increase the detox potential.

    Published on 14 August 2022 at 16:41
    Updated on 10 February 2023 at 23:08

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    Joaquim A

    Joaquim A

    Web Editor

    I have a great passion for nature. I trained as a pharmacist, during which time I acquired a certain amount of knowledge. It is now time to use this knowledge by sharing it with as many people as possible.