How to treat a urinary tract infection naturally ?

Tao L | 12 November 2023
Reading time : about 4 minutes
How to treat a urinary tract infection naturally ?

    UTI is an infection of the urinary tract, usually caused by bacteria. It can affect different parts of the urinary tract, including the urethra, bladder and kidneys. UTIs can be painful and can cause symptoms such as burning on urination, frequent urination and abdominal pain. If left untreated, they can worsen and cause serious complications.

    What are the symptoms ?

    Symptoms of a urinary tract infection can include :

    • a frequent need to urinate

    • Pain or burning when urinating

    • Blood in the urine

    • fever

    • Abdominal or lower back pain

    • An unpleasant smell in the urine

    • Feeling tired or weak

    • vomiting or nausea

    These symptoms may be more or less severe, depending on the individual and the severity of the infection. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

    Which plants can be used to treat urinary tract infections ?

    There are several plants that can be used to relieve the symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Some plants have antibacterial properties and can help fight the infection, while others can be used to relieve pain and inflammation.

    Here are a few examples of plants that may be useful in treating a urinary tract infection :

    • Cranberry : Cranberries contain compounds that can help fight the bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections. It can be consumed in juice or tablet form.

    • Nettle : Nettle is a diuretic plant that can help eliminate bacteria from the urinary tract. It can be taken as a tea or in tablet form.

    • Bearberry : Bearberry contains compounds that can help relieve the inflammation and pain associated with urinary tract infections. It can be taken as a tea or in tablet form.

    • Thyme : Thyme has antibacterial properties and can help fight urinary tract infections. It can be taken as an herbal tea or essential oil.

    Essential oils to use

    Certain essential oils can help relieve the symptoms of a urinary tract infection. They have antibacterial properties and can help fight infection, while others can be used to relieve pain and inflammation.

    Here are a few examples of essential oils that may be useful in treating a urinary tract infection :

    • Tea tree essential oil : Tea tree essential oil has antibacterial properties and can be used to fight urinary tract infections.

    • Lavender essential oil : Lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can help relieve the pain and inflammation associated with urinary tract infections.

    • Rosemary essential oil : Rosemary essential oil has diuretic properties and can help eliminate bacteria from the urinary tract.

    • Thyme essential oil : Thyme essential oil has antibacterial properties and can be used to combat urinary tract infections.

    Homeopathy to treat urinary tract infections

    There are several homeopathic strains that can be useful in treating urinary tract infections. Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that uses diluted substances to stimulate the body's natural defenses and relieve symptoms. Homeopathic strains are chosen according to each person's individual symptoms.

    Here are some examples of homeopathic strains that may be useful in treating urinary tract infections :

    • Cantharis : This strain is used to relieve the burning pain and frequency of urination associated with urinary tract infections.

    • Staphysagria : This strain is used to relieve the abdominal pain and burning sensation associated with urinary tract infections.

    • Pulsatilla : This strain is used to relieve abdominal pain and urinary bleeding associated with urinary tract infections.

    Hygienic-dietary rules

    There are several hygienic-dietary rules that can help prevent urinary tract infections. These rules consist of hygiene and dietary measures that can help maintain a healthy urinary tract and reduce the risk of infection.

    Here are a few examples of hygiene and dietary rules that can help prevent urinary tract infections :

    • Drink enough water : It's important to drink enough water to keep the urinary tract hydrated and avoid urine stagnation.

    • Urinate immediately after the urge : It's important not to hold back urine when you have to go to the bathroom, as this can encourage bacteria to multiply.

    • Wash your hands before and after urinating : It's important to wash your hands before and after urinating to avoid contamination of the urinary tract.

    • Avoid irritating products : It's important to avoid irritating products such as intimate deodorants or perfumed soaps, which can irritate the urinary tract.

    • Eat foods rich in vitamin C : Vitamin C can help strengthen the body's natural defenses and fight urinary tract infections. Eating vitamin C-rich foods such as citrus fruits, kiwis and peppers can help prevent urinary tract infections.

    Published on 12 November 2023 at 09:56
    Updated on 12 November 2023 at 12:00

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    Tao L

    Tao L

    Web Editor

    My name is Tao and I am very passionate about complementary medicine. In my home country, I trained in traditional Chinese medicine. I like to pass on the knowledge gained from my experience.